What's VisConnect?

With minimal effort, VisConnect allows website and visualization creators to add live collaboration.

VisConnect synchronizes pointer events, like click and touch, across collaborators, so that they share a common workspace. It allows each element to be modified by one person at a time.

How to Use

To use VisConnect, simply include the the script tag on your website: <script src="https://unpkg.com/visconnect/visconnect-bundle.js"></script>

After including the script tags in your HTML, VisConnect will automatically inject the collaboration interface.

To start collaborating, click the VisConnect logo on the bottom right and a custom link will be copied to your clipboard. Send this link to anyone you want and wait for them to join. Once connected all your interaction events one SVG elements should be synchronized!

Those are all the basics for using VisConnect. For more examples and a fuller introduction, please take a look at our GitHub repo.

Interaction Demos


Examples Gallery


